As water damage recovery specialists, our main responsibility is to the families that we serve and the rest of the communities that are using our company. If you wait too long to call us to help, you are merely helping the water damage company. We understand this is a life-threatening emergency. Your home is at risk and we need to get to it as soon as possible. The first twenty four hours of water recovery is the most critical time period. We cannot allow any damage to your home to go un-remediated. Mold, mildew, and structural damage are the result of inaction and this could happen to anyone of us, at any time.
You can start your search for a water restoration company in your area by using the yellow pages or using online consumer based web sites to identify several companies in your area that may be a good match to help recover your home. Once you have narrowed down your search to a handful of companies, you can begin to check credentials to ensure they are authorized to do the type of work you need done. You should check with the state licensing board to make sure they are up to date and that they are properly insured. If you have a choice between seeking an expert out or hiring an unlicensed individual, seek an expert out. The risk of getting a poor job done is far greater than the risk of getting it done wrong. You can also look online to read other peoples experiences of what happened when they sought an expert out. Either way, hire an expert. The damage has already been done, the longer we let this go untreated the worse it will get.
Don’t wait for the water damage company to come and help you repair your home. Get started as soon as possible to stop the damage from getting worse and to prevent you from having to replace the floors, carpets, doors, insulation, drywall, drywall boards, drywall structural members, cabinets, etc. to repair the damage. It will only get worse and you’ll be paying for services you don’t need. You’ll be paying for the labor of the specialist instead of the labor of the drywall repair company. It is much better to get the repair of the drywall done now and for the house to still be in good shape two or three years down the road than it is to have to replace the drywall and carpet after only a few months. What you need to do as soon as you detect the beginning of water damage in your home is to get a structural assessment. If your house has standing water, water must be accumulating underneath the floor in the areas where plumbing pipes are present.
The structural assessment must be conducted by a member of the company to ensure they have completed the task. There are a number of ways your water damage company can provide you with an assessment. If they have already conducted the assessment, tell them so you can proceed to the next step. Tell them if there is a significant problem with your home and tell them what was done to correct the problem. If you are dealing with a contractor that is assisting you with the drywall repair, tell them if there are any special tools or skills they should know about. Make sure they know what you are dealing with.
The next step is to get a structural engineer to assess your house. Find out if they have been involved in repairing other houses. Find out if they can offer any advice for drywall repair. There are many drywall contractors and they all will be able to provide you with a drywall repair solution. Get as much advice from them as possible.
Tell them if you are dealing with drywall repair and drywall repair companies, the company you dealt with worked very quickly and the job was completed within the allotted time. Tell them if the problem continued or became worse after the allotted time and then get a second structural engineer on the case. If the drywall repair company still isn’t the problem or they are providing you with a new drywall that meets your codes then tell them. Keep in mind that if they need to make modifications on the existing drywall they must provide you with a certificate of materials integrity. That is what they have to do when making your drywall repair. It’s their job.
After you have gotten at least two structural engineers on the case tell your drywall repair company that. If you are not sure of the difference between the two, let them deal with it. Be sure to get another structural engineer on the case for good measure. After they are done telling you all the things they can do for your drywall repair, tell them if they can give you a price quote for the whole job.